The Ranches of RR in Ixtlahuacán del Río - Chapter 1


The Ranches of RR in Ixtlahuacán del Río - Chapter 1

"Mica" for

Ixtlahuacán del Río's population registered at 6,882 in 2020, with over 15.4% of its inhabitants in extreme poverty.

The Double R has two ranches in Ixtlahuacán del Río. This is my attempt to locate one of his ranches and let you, the reader decide and even play along.

Rumors suggested that each ranch has containers full of ammunition, armored vehicles, tactical equipment, and drugs.

Each site uses drones and has loyal CJNG sicarios with armored trucks. To enter, security checks visitors and prohibits them from entering with their phones.

This is what I suspect is one such place. The massive home is surrounded by a perimeter wall that encloses the almost 1-acre plot.

I estimate the size of the home is 4,788 ft². This home easily doubles the size of El Raton's Jesus Maria home.

The Anomalies
Let's start with the obvious, a shipping container that is strategically located outside the compound walls and partially covered by trees.

The white container size is 1,033 ft² and 60 ft long, and just under 20 ft wide.

How big is a standard shipping container? 

They are smaller than the container in question. The one pictured is double the width and 50% longer. A better visual would be the inside. A standard container has only 1/3 the ft² inside.  Notice the door capability below.

The next anomaly is the blue container inside the compound walls.
This blue container has a length of 40 ft and is 15 ft wide.

We know the blue container was placed on the property after the white container by this image.

Could these containers be connected, and why?

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