The Curious Case of Questionable Leads at Borderland Beat: A Closer Look

Mica for

In recent weeks, there's been an extraordinary shift at Borderland Beat, the English language blog renowned for its coverage of the drug wars in Mexico. From my vantage point as a former collaborator, I've noticed a sudden influx of high-profile leads coming their way, ironically pointing in the same direction: a calculated move against Los Chapitos, the notorious faction led by the sons of El Chapo.

The pattern emerged starkly over the past two weeks, as three separate leads found their way to Borderland Beat. What are the odds? Each of these leads not only grabbed international attention but also seemed to have an underlying objective of causing internal panic within Los Chapitos. The apparent intent? To tip the scales and boost the odds of dismantling this powerful cartel faction.

Here's where things get truly intriguing: these bombshell leads, instead of landing on the desks of major international media outlets in Mexico, were delivered directly to Borderland Beat, an English language blog. An unusual choice, indeed. Moreover, all these leads landed in the lap of the blog's owner, an individual who, in my memory, had never before received information of such high significance, especially not in such quick succession.

I had the opportunity to review the original letter, and it didn't take long for me to find a string of inconsistencies and outright lies. Woven into these documents were a barrage of personal insults, unprovable accusations, and some facts - but all with a clear objective: to launch a personal attack against Ivan Guzman Salazar, the key figure in Los Chapitos.

It's worth mentioning that Borderland Beat is operated by a former law enforcement officer. This fact raises an important question: could entities such as the DEA leverage an English-language news blog to disseminate information, creating unrest and sparking a war within the ranks of a cartel? It's a theory that may sound outlandish to some, but in the world of cartels, where information is a weapon, it isn't entirely implausible.

I recently parted ways with Borderland Beat, of my own accord, and it's from this independent vantage point that I am raising these observations and questions. My aim is not to sow discord but to promote a more nuanced understanding of the complex machinations within the Mexican Drug Cartels and the media outlets that cover them. In this world, where truth can often be elusive, it's crucial to question, to probe, and to remain ever vigilant. After all, the stakes are incredibly high.

So, what do you think about this theory? Could law enforcement be using media outlets like Borderland Beat to stir up internal conflicts within cartels? Or is there another explanation for this sudden barrage of high-profile leads? I invite you to share your thoughts and join the discussion.

Thanks for reading!



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  1. In the year 2023, information warfare is more prevalent and effective then ever before. I don't know if that's what's happening in this case, but it sure does look and feel like a coordinated effort to turn up the heat on Ivan. The American justice system has made it clear that capturing Ivan is a priority. This is a great way to make him uncomfortable. Maybe make some of his people think twice about their loyalty.

  2. All is fair in love & war. Train your guns on a weak link. Is el Mayo less evil ? Possibly.

  3. Makes sense since it’s been a while Buggs been a part of a story and he was very informed on Sonora not that deep like Culiacán maybe just maybe u on to something

  4. I can believe that. Thought the stories with the replies were strange. Didnt help either side .

  5. I have followed for sometime. The leads are convenient, are they normally this big?

  6. I was thinking the same thing. I love
    the BB news but the last few articles felt more like a attack against Ivan Guzman rather than reporting of facts. I have lots of family in Los Mochis and Obregon and I’m in no way a fan of Ivan Guzman from the violence his group has caused the past few years, but with that said these recent articles do feel like a coordinated attack towards Ivan’s group.

    Some of the stuff written about Ivan crying every night in prison, how could such a thing be verified. It might be true but i perfect to read something based on facts and not opinions.

    I do find the Min Lic letters very interesting, then seem to have many details that only he would know . The timing of the letters however makes one think it was suggested he release such details for coordination with these current articles.

    Mica good for you starting your own thing, I have referred several people to your blog already.

    If Ivan did read that recent article about himself on BB I would imagine be would not be so happy with BB. I remember when the Zetas went after bloggers and Ivan seems to have a bigger network. Hopefully the BB staff is keeping safe with VPNs ect.

    To Mica’s comment about Buggs being retired law enforcement it very much adds to the idea that this was a political piece to apply pressure towards Ivan’s group and influence public opinion rather than the typical BB news reporting on events.

    There is former news person and now podcaster that has a line he says I love kind of like “it’s better to report late and accurate, than report first and wrong”.

    Sorry for the long comment, loving the new Blog.

    Hopefully in the future you might add a forum like the old BB days it was a lots of fun having such topics and groups back then to discuss Narco news and ideas.

    1. Thank you, and well said!
      I am surprised any BB contributor would claim Ivan was paid $200K per terrorist to sneak them over in a tunnel. Oh, and he did it against his brother's wishes.

      Give me a break, does anyone else recall when the site was sued? And now all of a sudden, BB is TMZ. This is why I say, some of them lost their perspective and now just taking orders.

    2. I thought sol ran bb

    3. No, Sol is a major contributor but is not the owner. Sol is a good dude! He’s always grinding and not part of the high school group.

  7. I noticed what can only be described as an anti Ivan movement lately, since the press conference a few weeks ago the Ivan hate has stepped up a notch (I'm not saying he is a good man but the information in the letter about him lots of it was false)

  8. As for Ivan allowing a terrorist to pass for 200k horse shit.

  9. I love the slogan! Research over hype!

  10. BB bout to be obsolete

    1. I don't wish for anything wrong, but now I don't have red tape and can critique whomever. I also don't have to put up with lame high school group.

  11. Not really surprised, buggs was police, the page has many viewers. But having no problem with “letters” and i would not even doubt its content. He cried at night, can be bs but also an observation from a guard and written in a report they used together with mini lic statements to fabricate the letter and buggs did the rest.
    Having no problem with taking out the menores. They deserve jail. What worries me is what happens with mexico if they are gone? More fragmentation means more violence.

    1. Hi Rene,
      I was thinking about this issue last night. With Osiel Cárdenas Guillén closer to release. I am sure Mexico will rearrest him like Palma, but look how much his once dominant CDG structure has collapsed and what the future hold for CDS Chapito's structure.

      The sicarios of Chapitos are typically younger, well-equipped, and tested. When Ivan and Jesus are both arrested or killed, there is no Guzman that everyone will fall under. Everyone will follow the money, so whoever in the top brass can maintain security agreements, secure labs, and keep the product flowing will be the leader. Throw in Guano, Mayo, Flaco, CJNG, and BLO into the equation, and as you affirmed, it will be a fragmented mess.

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